B.F.P. Engineering Pty Ltd

Coming Soon: 15,000L DAF FAD CF85 Bitumen Sprayer

The newest product that will be added to our vehicle range is almost ready.

The 15,000L DAF FAD CF85 Bitumen Sprayer will boast an increased pay-load capacity and towing ability. It will be the biggest Sprayer in our range with the truck being an 8 Wheel, Dual Steer truck with a larger capacity tank with our standard 8 metre continental spray bar. This vehicle, with a bigger reinforced Towing Cross Member, has the capability of towing behind it a Twin Axle Boogie and our 30,000L Tri Axle B Trailer. We look forward to seeing this completed in the coming months and will have photos displayed on this website once completed.

If you have any enquiries regarding this product please contact Peter Smith regarding further information. Stay Tuned.

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